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Track Your Order

You’ll know your payment has been processed when;

  • 1.      You receive an order receipt via your registered email address
  • 2.      Suppliers will review your order and ship according to their shipping days
  • 3.      Once shipped you will receive a shipping notification with tracking information
  • 4.      Please use this tracking information to search on your estimated delivery date

You can also view the shipping status of your orders by logging into your account:

  1. Login
  2. Click on "Order History" Tab
  3. Check the shipping status of your order – shipped or not yet shipped
  4. If shipped click on Orange Tracking Number

Good Food Warehouse use Star Track Express for Logistics, please click on the link to track your order - Star Track Express


It’s our job to ensure you get the products you’ve ordered promptly and easily. If you have any questions or concerns please chat live on-line.

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